Friday, December 21, 2012

Help Get Our PSA Campaign on TV!

It's been a minute, but I have news:
  1. I graduated from film school last year 
  2. I started a job producing online videos
  3. I'm finishing my first real PSA campaign

And I'd love your support. We're working to get the PSA on the air!

This is an opportunity to support something we all care about -- public health education. I just produced a HIV PSA with a lot of help from local volunteers, ranging from public health workers to up and coming filmmakers. It has always been my dream to combine both of these fields and, six years after Yale, it's finally coming true. 

Please help us ensure the work of our volunteers results in air time for the television spot we produced --  consider supporting our campaign (INDIEGOGO.COM/WRHAP) and sharing the message with your network of friends and colleagues.