Thursday, May 6, 2010

Locks of Love

This is one of my earliest pieces. Part of my entry portfolio into film school.

Locks of Love from Elizabeth Bayne on Vimeo.

Locks of Love is an organization that provides wigs to children who've lost their hair due to medical conditions, like cancer. The Yale Chapter hosts a drive to raise money and collect donated hair for this cause.

Ironically, one woman is about to undergo chemo therapy and is donating her hair for someone who's already lost theirs.

Movement sketch

This is really just a test to see if I can embed video, but we can also say it's promoting regular exercise :P

Movement Sketch from Elizabeth Bayne on Vimeo.

A track warmup becomes a study in movement.


Dear Reader,

This is my official blog to feature my professional endeavors in advocacy. I'm currently a graduate film student at Art Center College of Design, but in my past life I was a working public health professional. I've done health outreach in remote areas of Central and South America as a volunteer, and assisted on long running PSA campaigns as a government employee. A year ago, I decided there was a more creative way to work for good causes, a way that was more visible, and yielded more discernible results. That way was film, along with other mediums of visual communication, including art and design.

This blog is intended to be a catalog of my work in this field. Stay tuned as I post the fruits of my labor. Feel free to post comments and suggestions, as I'm always open to collaboration.

